A Better Life,
A Better World

About Us
We are importers in Japan.
We started the retail business in 2005.
Currently, we can sell online and offline in both wholesale and retailing ways.
We mainly import bags and outdoor items, fragrance item from the USA and Asia.
*Company Profile
CEO Kaori Emura
*Address of Head Office :
377-4-301, Wada, Tama-shi, Tokyo, 206-0001, Japan
*Business lineup
Retail, Wholesale, shopping site management

We will be the business partner of manufacturers overseas.
We will obtain products from foreign manufacturers and store them at our warehouse.
Then using both offline and online methods, we will conduct all from promotion to sales.
Our Appealing Points
We value the image of your brand.
We understand your product in detail and communicate its appeal to the customers in Japan to the fullest.
We will sell your products in Japan by efficient advertisement by marketing and sales strategy of products.
We are a small team and it enables us to make a quick decision.
We are sure we can contribute speedy expansion of your brand.
Contact Us
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